Sunday, April 28, 2019

Surviving the 6th grade

         I rarely have time to write anymore, but this evening I had the opportunity to encourage a guest blogger.  Yes, as my 11 year old spouted off about how she had survived the 6th grade and she was ready for life now.  I asked her to write about how she survived and what lessons she had learned.  As promised, I told her I would post her "paper for fun" on how she "survived" the 6th grade. (There are still 5 weeks left!)

Here is the transcribed paper:

"HI, my name is Mackenzi.  I want to tell you how 6th grade has taught me to conquer the world.  There are three major stories I want to share with you.  Most of them are either sad, or mean, or just different, so with that being said, let's get started!

In September 2018, this school year, there was this girl and she was really mad.  She went to the bathroom during class, and 20 minutes later, I started asking the teacher if I could go to the bathroom.  I was worried about her, she had not come back to class, and I knew that it only take about 10 minutes to get to the bathroom from this class. The teacher yelled at me and would not let me go to the bathroom, and finally I said, I am going to throw up, and he let me go.  I ran as fast as I could to get to the bathroom.  When I got there, she came out of the stall crying.  I will never forget what she said," I tried choking myself!" After telling her that God loved her she responded, "God can't help me."  I went to the teacher, and he let me report her to the counselor.  Ever since then, I am aware of how people are acting.

Story two.  My teacher came to school one day, and he had his shoulders up covering his neck.  We all knew he was hiding something.  He un-shrugged his shoulders, and he had a HUGE hickey, and every one screamed!  I think he was mad at us.  Later that semester he also tried to show us slenderman.  Every little thing he did was bad or inappropriate.  In both of these situations, I prayed all day!

The final story is about friends.  One day, I came to school and my friend was taking me to the movies.  We were going to have a blast, but that night she started acting like a jerk and hurting all our feelings.  The next day, I got all these texts saying, I hate you and you have no friends.  I prayed all night, the next day I kept praying, and everything turned out for the best.  The only thing is now I have 4 out of 6 friends.

So, I what I want you to know is that no matter the situation, KEEP GOD CLOSE, and don't forget HE HAS YOUR BACK.  With all that happened, I think life will be easy peezy.  Don't forget, I think each and everyone of y'all are special.  God loves you very much." ---Mackenzi G

Kids have a way of teaching us.  I sometimes look at mine and think of how much she has taught me.  I would love to tell her that it will be easy peezy because of these few lessons, but I know that is a lie.   She has so many more lessons to learn, and I am only a spectator for some of these lessons.   My parent lesson from 6th grade is this, I am mostly a spectator for some of life's hardest lessons for her.   I can not protect her from them or change her reaction to them.  I have only the single most important thing to offer her, and that is Jesus.  I can only trust him, and the lessons HE GIVES her.   I can pray without ceasing for her heart, for her friends, for her to have wisdom.  Recently in a conversation with her, she said, "Mom, why do you always give me the Jesus answer?"  I said, to her because, " I know that my answers are wrong, and nothing and no one has the authority that Jesus does.  My answers will only land you in therapy!"

Parenting a junior high kid is a challenge, even if you are using the right tools.   Ask your kids what they are learning.  Ask your kids their lessons, and then point them to the God who loves them, flaws and all.  This is mine and Mackenzi's mindset, now let's hear yours!