Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Christmas Prayers and Mama Ramblings

I find myself sitting here tonight on the heels of rushing through homework and dinner so my husband and daughter could make their first basketball practice.  I have been gifted with a rare night alone.  I have almost 2 whole hours.  While typically I would try and watch a TV show that is neither a cartoon or a kid friendly show, I find myself reflecting on all the goings-on in life.

Thanksgiving has just past and we are headed full steam into Christmas. Parties, concerts, gifts, and gatherings all pulling everyone in a mad frenzy to end the year well.  In my precious alone time I find myself lost in prayer asking the Lord for meaning.  As I write that, I want to clarify, I do not need definition.  I am defined by my Father in heaven who loves me and calls me to love.  This frenzy, this time, I need to remind myself of the meaning and purpose, because in the hustle and bustle it all seems to get jumbled.  I find myself praying that the things I do, still reflect Christ.  Lord, help me to glorify you in my actions and words.  Lord, help me to teach my daughter to know her worth in you.  This is a  desperate prayer bogged down by the sounds of a retail Christmas where, "Every Kiss Begins with Kay."  This is a cry out, how am I going to keep myself and family from being swept up in the intoxication of Amazon and it's impending 2 hour same day delivery?  I ask the Lord open my eyes to see the details you need me to see.

Then I see it.  Everyone knows the story of the manger, and the humble beginnings, of a baby King, celebrated by angels.

Luke 2:10-14
1The angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I am bringing you good news that will be a great joy to all the people. 11 Today your Savior was born in the town of David. He is Christ, the Lord. 12 This is how you will know him: You will find a baby wrapped in pieces of cloth and lying in a feeding box. 13 Then a very large group of angels from heaven joined the first angel, praising God and saying:  14 “Give glory to God in heaven,  and on earth let there be peace among the people who please God.” 

Jesus the baby came as a gift for all people, to forgive sins.  How am I celebrating Jesus?  Am I inviting those with no place to come in, even into a barn?  (Technically yes, because we actually do have an Uncle living in our barn.  This story is for another time.)  Am I greeting people with love?  Am I celebrating God's Glory and goodness?  Have I experienced God's peace?

What an interesting concept in these verses about the birth of Jesus, that the phrase, " let there be peace among the people who please God." A this time of year, there seems to be no peace for those who celebrate Christmas.  As I cry out Lord, don't let me be swallowed by the business of Christmas busyness.  

Tonight I stop, in my two hours of alone time and reflect on how I want to celebrate Christmas and the birth of Jesus.  Do I want to be seduced by the smell of cinnamon and the lure of a good sale, or do I want to be have the peace of God fill me to content?  My silly side says, I want both (add Maniacal Laugh Here).  In reality I want peace.  I want peace on Earth.  I want goodwill to all men.  I want the peace that passes all understanding.  I want the comfort of not owing more than I can afford after Christmas. I want to look at my child and know that she knows that Christmas is about Christ, and that true gifts are found in good character and service to others.  This is my prayer, not exactly my reality yet, but it is certainly my prayer.

In closing I pray that this Christmas there will be peace.  Peace among men.  Peace in the midst of the broken hearted.  Peace for the widows, orphaned, and alone.  I pray for the peace of God's sweet sovereignty to reign in our hearts and homes.

This is my mindset, now let me hear yours.

PS.  I know it has been quite sometime since I wrote anything, I hope that you enjoy my thoughts outloud!

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