Sunday, August 19, 2012

a new adventure in LOVE

Well, it has been a while.  I have been busy and the Lord has given me quite a whirlwind of busy weeks, and so many more to come.  I have titled this blog a new adventure in love, because I am indeed in for a new adventure.

The story began in May.  I was encouraged by my family to look for a part-time job at my daughters Christian school.  I have a part-time job.  So, I was slightly surprised when the conversations began.  However, I prayed about it, and felt as if God was indeed encouraging me to step out of my comfort zone.  I submitted my application and waited.  After all, it was summer and I figured I would probably end up substituting and that is all I really had in mind.  God had very different plans for me.  It was about two weeks ago, that I was called and asked to come in and interview.  The before and after school program, had a couple of openings.  There was both a full time and part time position, one with 4 year olds and one in First/Second grade.  In my mind this was all happening so fast....EEEKKK CHANGE!  I told the director that I would pray about the job opportunity.  She was going on vacation, and I had a week, to pray and settle my heart for what job I would take if I took one.

It is really funny how God speaks.  I agree with one of my favorite Christian musicians, Mandisa, I think God sounds like James Earl Jones!  As I prayed that week, I heard so many things, that I am sure were God.  However, most them didn't actually sound like James Earl Jones.  The strange thing was that I was at peace.  I kept feeling my heart saying, don't worry, I will provide all your needs. This has never happened to me before;  I HAVE NEVER HAD PEACE LIKE THIS DURING CHANGE. (Philippians 4:7 kind of peace.)  The idea of my needs being met reached a new challenge to me, because the job requires early mornings.  I AM NO MORNING PERSON.  This may in fact be an understatement.  This is a huge step in faith, because I am believing that God is going to take this 35 year old, and miraculously turn me into a happy morning person!  I have no choice but to believe it, because well, I heard him say he was going to meet my needs. 

I also randomly talked to people during that week, that encouraged me having no idea that they were doing so.  It is really strange the way God moves.  I have been feeling him move and feeling like he was preparing me for something, I just never imagined it would be this.  When I went in for the interview, God gave me one more thing to make me feel sure.  There was a new part time position available, and it was in Kindergarten!  My daughter is going to start kinder, and I can not think of a better place to be.  Needless to say, I am the new Kinder extended learning session (ELS) teacher!

I am very passionate about my daughter and how I want to raise her. I never want my daughter to feel lonely, because I am too busy for her.  I want her to have a mom to come home to.  I want her to know that I am not only here, but that I am really listening to her.  I want her to know that I am involved and engaged with every part of her life, and that she is important.  I want her to know God loves her, and so do mom and dad.  I have to have a job, but this is like the best of both worlds.  I can be with her after school.  I also have the opportunity to share and give love to 13 other kids on my roster!

During the week, that I spent praying about taking the job, a theme of love emerged.  I was told, that all I had to do was love these kids.  I was told that I was a loving person by people who I least expected to hear it from.  Then even more encouraging, during my week of inservice and orientation, the discussion was often about love.  I have never seen so many people, passionate about Christ, full of love, and genuinely care for one another.  By Wednesday, I came home and cried.  I am not a crier, but I was so moved by the people, by the scriptures, and the presence of God.  The theme for our school year is as follows: Equipped and Empowered to GO!  (Backstory:  The verses supporting this are Ephesians 6:10-20, the Armor of God, and if you read my blog, you know I LOVE these verses!)

I have always heard the saying: God does not call the equipped, but he equips the called.  I find myself in that situation.  I have no classroom experience, save a couple of vacation Bible schools, and a few Sunday school classes.  However, I choose to view that as a good thing.  I have no bad habits, I only have new habits to make.  I am in a unique position, I must surrender to God.  The minute I think I know what I am doing, I am going to be in real trouble!  God has opened this door, and sent out the call.  This is so far outside of my box, I have to set my eyes on him and walk in faith.  Funny, during inservice, one of the pastors that spoke, asked this question:  When is the last time you asked God to grow your faith?  It occurs to me that I prayed that very prayer this summer.  Now I am here with no choice but to go where I asked.  I have to grow deeper and rely on my faith.

My plan for this adventure:  LOVE BIG, PRAY HARD, and live in the REST OF FAITH.

Oh and play this every morning:

Normally, I would say this is my mindset, now let me hear yours... this time I will say it this way: 

This is where God is taking me, and I hope you will pray with me that God's will be done, and that my words and actions honor Him, as I go through this new adventure in love!


  1. Way to go. I love you. You are awesome and I'm proud that you're my little sister.

  2. you are amazing! I also love the line LOVE BIG, PRAY HARD, and live in the REST OF FAITH.
    Grace and Peace
